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Site Characterization; Olympic Coast

This work was carried out to provide new information on the locations, densities, and condition of deep-sea corals and their role as essential fish habitat within proposed conservation areas to help fill scientific data gaps and provide new information pertinent to pending management considerations (via provisions of Magnuson-Stevens Act and/or the National Marine Sanctuaries Act) in the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary.


Reports, Other reports
West Coast

Coral Reef Conservation, Coral Reef Management, Deep Sea Corals, Management, Marine Ecosystem Management

An overview of the biology and importance of deep-sea corals.

Reports, Technical memorandum

Coral Reef Ecology, Coral Reefs And Islands, Corals, Habitat (Ecology), Management, Marine Invertebrates, Marine Parks And Reserves, Taxonomic guide

The purpose of this taxonomic guide is to create an inventory of benthic and mid-water organisms observed at the Davidson Seamount to provide a baseline taxonomic characterization. This is the first taxonomic guide to Davidson Seamount, and is intended to be revised in the future as we learn more about the seamount and the organisms that live there.

Reports, Technical report
West Coast

Coral Reef Conservation, Coral Reef Ecology, Coral Reef Management, Marine Ecosystem Management

The first biennial report on steps taken to identify, monitor, and protect deep-sea coral areas,
including summaries of the results of mapping, research and data collection performed under the
Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology program.

Reports, Report to Congress

coral reef ecology; coral reefs and islands; habitat; marine ecology; marine ecosystem management; research

Off the southeastern United States coast and in the Gulf of Mexico there are several unique and productive deep-sea habitats that have been difficult to study with conventional methods because the bottom topography is very rugged and overlain by strong currents (e.g., Gulf Stream). This project was conceived from a need to better document and understand these ecosystems and to rapidly provide research data that are generally not otherwise available.

Reports, Other reports
Southeast (South Atlantic/Gulf of Mexico/U.S. Caribbean)

Calcaxonian octocorals, Pacific, seamounts

Eleven calcaxonian gorgonians are reported from seamounts in the Northeast Pacific, including eight new records for this region, six of which are described as new species. Twenty-one calcaxonians are now known from the Northeast Pacific (exclusive of Alaska). A table of comparisons is given for all six species of Parastenella and the three eastern Pacific species of Calyptrophora. A neotype is designated for Chrysogorgia fruticosa.

Published research, Journal article
West Coast

This report represents the first effort by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
in partnership with other federal, academic and non-governmental partners, to bring together available
information on the abundance and distribution of structure-forming corals that occur in U.S. waters at
depths greater than 50 m.

Coral Reef Conservation, Coral Reef Ecology, Coral Reef Management, Corals, Deep-sea Biology, Habitat

Reports, Technical report

The State of Deep Coral Ecosystems of the United States: 2007

Technical report

Site Characterization; Olympic Coast

This report on a 2006 deep-sea coral survey expands on the previous publication to include quantification of habitat types and the distribution/abundance of deep-sea corals and sponges in the Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary.   

Reports, Other reports
West Coast

Collection And Preservation, Corals, Deep-sea Animals

A collection of publicly available, multi-institutional, peer-reviewed methodologies describing how to collect deep-sea coral samples to meet archival standards.

Reports, Technical memorandum