Explore our educational resources, including StoryMaps, curricula, and videos on deep-sea corals and sponges from NOAA and partners.
StoryMaps are web-based applications that bring together maps, text, and multimedia to share a narrative. Our collection illustrates deep-sea coral and sponge habitat research and protections across the nation.
NOAA Deep Sea Coral Research and Technology Program StoryMaps:
- History of Deep-Sea Coral Protection in U.S. Waters
- Exploring Deep-Sea Corals in the Gulf of Maine
- Discovering Deep-Sea Corals: Predictive Habitat Modeling
- Deep-sea Corals and Sponges of Alaska
- Site Characterizations

Other NOAA StoryMaps:
- Amendment 28 (NOAA Fisheries)
- Promoting Understanding of Deep-sea Habitats in West Coast Sanctuaries (NOAA National Ocean Service)
- Fathoming the Deep (NOAA National Ocean Service)
- Great Farallones National Marine Sanctuary: The Football (NOAA National Ocean Service)
Partner StoryMaps:
Here, educators and enthusiasts can find a variety of curricula to share the wonders of deep-sea corals and sponges with students and others.

NOAA Educational Materials:
- West Coast National Marine Sanctuaries Deep Coral Communities (NOAA National Ocean Service)
- Cold Seeps and Deep Reefs, Lesson Plans, Themes (NOAA Ocean Exploration)
- Million Mounds (NOAA Ocean Exploration)
- Professional Development Series (NOAA Ocean Exploration)
- Deep-Sea Corals Lesson Plans (NOAA Ocean Exploration)
- Deep-Sea Coral Habitat (NOAA Fisheries)
- Anthropogenic (Human) Threats to Corals (NOAA National Ocean Service)
- Deep-Sea Corals, Real-Life Data and Collaborative Science (NOAA National Ocean Service)
Partner Educational Materials:
- Lophelia II - Understanding Deep-Sea Coral Ecology (Bureau of Ocean Energy Management)
These videos provide a glimpse into coral and sponge life in the deep sea!

NOAA videos:
- NOAA Ocean Exploration videos
- Living in the Dark: Gulf of Mexico (3:47; NOAA National Ocean Service and GreenFire Productions)
- Discover the Deep-Sea Corals of Maine (2:06; NOAA Fisheries)
- Coral Forests of the Deep (2:19; NOAA National Ocean Service)
- Habitat Exploration: Deep-Sea Corals (3:57; NOAA Fisheries)
- Deep Ocean Corals (1:47; NOAA National Ocean Service)
- Corals: The Bottom Line (1:37; NOAA Fisheries)
- Exploring Deep Sea Coral Communities (5:43; NOAA National Ocean Service)
- Greater Farallones National Marine Sanctuary: Underwater Special Places (5:13; NOAA National Ocean Service)
- NOAA Live! Alaska Webinar: Cold Dark Secrets: Discovering Alaska’s Deep-Sea Corals and Sponges (1:00:10; NOAA Fisheries, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute)
- NOAA Live! Alaska Webinar: Soaking Up the Sea: Exploring Deep-Sea Coral & Sponge Habitat in Alaska (1:03:25; NOAA Fisheries)